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The Durango Herald

Sheriff calls off rescue effort in avalanche

Survivors include Rod Oliver of Cortez area

Sheriff calls off rescue effort in avalanche

Survivors include Rod Oliver of Cortez area

Sheriff calls off rescue effort in avalanche

Survivors include Rod Oliver of Cortez area

Area company’s subsidiary buys two yogurt chains

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Inc. announced Tuesday that its wholly owned subsidiary, U-Swirl Inc., recently purchased two self-service frozen-yogurt chains. U-Swirl acquired ...

FLC names environment team members

The Fort Lewis College Environmental Center, a campus organization committed to working for environmental sustainability and social justice at the college and in the community, announces tha...

Diesel fuel, water leave some cars high, dry

A spokesman for Western Refining said Saturday it was news to him that a Durango woman experienced car trouble from diesel-contaminated gasoline bought at a Giant convenience store. ...